But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself? Isaiah 10:15 (NLT)
One of the dangers in the
Christian life is to take credit for what God does. This was the Assyrians'
problem. They were a weak nation until God chose to bless them in order to use
them as an instrument to punish the Israelites. However, the more God blessed
them, the more confident they became in their own strength. When the farmers
had good crops, they credited their farming skills rather than God. When their
army won a victory, their generals took the credit. When the nation experienced
prosperity, the Assyrians attributed it to their military and political might.
Finally, God pointed out the absurdity of their conclusions (Isa. 10:5–19).
READ ALSO: Deny Yourself
It is sometimes easier to handle poverty or weakness than wealth or strength. Poverty causes us to recognize our need for God. Prosperity persuades us that we no longer require Him. Scripture holds several examples of those who assumed they were self-sufficient, only to realize their dire poverty apart from God. Samson was the strongest person alive, but he forgot that his strength came from God. Once God removed his strength, Samson was reduced to a pitiful slave. Saul was the first king of Israel, yet when God removed His Spirit from this proud monarch, he became a paranoid, petty man, seeking counsel from the occult.
Be careful how you handle the
success God gives you! As you enjoy His blessings in your family, your
business, or your ministry, keep in mind that you are an instrument in the
hands of the Master
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