Nigeria and Nigerians will be known all over the world for corruption. Your Name - Nigeria will stink for corruption but after a while a new phase will come - a phase of righteousness. People from the nations of the earth will hold to a Nigerian and say, we want to follow you to your nation to go and learn righteousness.

Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “May you have peace.” For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem.  Psalms 122:6-9 (NLT)

When God speaks, His words have power in itself to work out whatever He says. God’s nature – faithfulness is what makes His word credible and to know how powerful a word is, one must carefully consider the one who speaks, if he is able to bring his word to pass. The word of God may be too much for a natural man to fully comprehend and often times many doubt the word of God because it looks impossible in the mind of a natural man but God sees them exactly as He said it. The same are the promises of God for our nation – Nigeria. 

What defines our nation goes beyond its physical boundaries and borders, it is far more than the colour of its flag or wordings of its national anthem. God shaped the destiny of our nation, he designed it so well and placed it strategically among the nations of Africa. The various ethnic groups and people that are called its citizen and the mineral resources that are deposited, which should serve its people are all deliberate intention of God. Also, there are great minds in this nation with amazing gifts and talents enough to make it great. Nigeria is not just meant to be the giant of Africa but one of the giant nations of the world but the current situation of this great nation is just the opposite of what it should be. Youth wasting away, politicians embezzling money, crime and other social vices are increasing at an alarming rate. Leaders are confused, some are just unreasonably wicked and majority of its leaders are not even aware of the peculiarities and challenges of this nation. People now seek to flee the nation rather than stay to make it great while those who are here (resides in the country) joined the trend adding more to its problems. 

These problems have continued over the years that it has become almost impossible to find those who still believe this nation can be great again. God is aware of all this and yet He still has His promise intact for Nigeria. There are prophecies long ago spoken by some men which are God’s intention for the nation of Nigeria and they all shall come to pass because God is faithful. One of these prophecies is the one spoken by the man of God S.G Elton in 1986. Looking at the current situation of the country, a natural man would say it is practically impossible but since it is the word of God, it will definitely come to pass without failing. 
Taking a closer look at the prophecy, we can straight away divide it into two of which the first half has been fulfilled. Then the time has come that the tide must turn and the second half be fulfilled but just like the sons of Issachar, people must rise to discern the time and seasons. Just like Daniel in the Bible, people through the knowledge of the prophecy must rise (see Daniel 9:2-3) that in spite of this challenges, we all should rise and pray for the peace of our own Jerusalem. Let’s not look at the challenges but rather on God and the possibilities available to us in God. 

Above all, it is important we all turn from our wicked and unjust ways according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. 
and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I'll be there ready for you: I'll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health. (MSG) 

Let the fraudster stop defrauding others; let thieves stop stealing; let those in power and position be reasonable and god-fearing; let those handling public funds subscribe to high level of probity, whiteness and integrity; let all discharge their duties with the fear of God and above all, lets show love to one another. 

God bless us and bless our great nation – Nigeria, Amen.