The Divine Partner

Without a thirsty heart, hungry soul and coming to Jesus fixing your eyes only on Him, there will be no infilling or satisfaction given by the Divine. Until there is an acute hunger and thirst for the presence of God where a man would declare just like Moses ‘if your presence go not with me, carry us not up hence’ (Exodus 33:15), then he hasn’t seen the importance of the presence of the Divine Partner and should expect none or little commitment from the Divine Partner. Until all that a man desires is God and nothing besides God, he is not ready for the strange acts and works of God. The Holy Spirit would not go to where he is merely wanted but where He is desired. Therefore every man must understand that until all that matter is Jesus, where Jesus becomes the primary and other seemingly good things can be secondary, he is not yet ready to be filled.

Our Christian race can be likened to a partnership and there exist just two partners; the Divine Partner - God and secondly the man. Our race is full of great rewards and this fact is known to many Christians but what they do not know is that there also exist responsibilities to be undertaken in order to receive these rewards. To breach this partnership agreement by avoiding the responsibilities and still expect the reward is a great lie a man can tell himself.

In the natural world, whenever contract are to be made or a job to be done, it is ideal that you want someone with integrity and honesty and not one whose character is at odd with keeping with agreement. The same is true in spiritual matters and the Divine Partner has a track record at keeping a deal or contract, fulfilling His own bargain. God will never be unfaithful for it is not in Him to be unfaithful.
 “ If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself."2 Timothy  2:13

When you see a person who claims he has done all he should and God hasn’t showed up then with a careful look, you will discover that such a person has not done as much as he claimed but only assumes. He only say that to make himself feel better and he is not honest with himself but deceiving himself.

READ ALSO: Working Alone

Jesus cried ‘if any man thirst, let him come….’ John 7:37 the condition hasn’t change but still the same.
  • So let a person acknowledge his true state of need. He need to understand that nothing else can satisfy the deep longings of his heart except Christ; 
  • That nothing else in life or in the entire world is enough to fill the vacuum in him but Christ.
  • Also, then let him take step to come unto Jesus where he will be filled and not only that but also has Rivers of Living Water flow in and through him, more than enough to quench his thirst throughout his Christian journey. 

However, let him come with a broken and a contrite heart for He said
‘…….a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.’ Psalm 51:17