
ENGLISH LYRICS: Shall we gather at the river

A pure river of water of life clean as crystal; Rev.22:1

1.  Shall we gather at the river
    Where bright angel feet have trod;
    With its crystal tide for ever
    Flowing by the throne of God!

    Yes, we'll gather at the river,
    The beautiful, beautiful river,
    Gather with the saints at the river
    That flows by the throne of God.

2. On the margin of the river,
    Guided by our Shepherd King
    We will walk and worship ever,
    His dear footsteps following.

3. There beside the tranquil river,
    Mirror of the Saviour's face,
    Happy hearts, no more to sew
    Sing of glory and of grace.

4. But before we gain the river
    Lay we every burden down;
    Jesus, here from sin deliver
    Those whom there Thy grace will crown.

5. Soon we'll reach the crystal river;
    Soon our pilgrimage will cease;
    Soon our golden harpstrings quiver
    With the melody of peace


YORUBA LYRICS: A o pade l’eti odo

Odo omi iye mimo, o mo gara bi Krista Ifi. 22:1

1. A o pade l’eti odo
   T’ese angeli ti te;
   T’o mo gara bi Kristali
   L’eba ite Olorun.

A o pade l’eti odo
Odo didan; odo didan na,
Pel’ awon mimo l’eba odo
T’o nsan l’eba ite ni.

2. L’eti bebe odo na yi
   Pel’ Olus’agutan wa,
   A o ma rin a o ma sin
   B’ a ti ntele ‘pase Re

3. Nje l’eba odo tutu na,
   Ao r’oju Olugbala;
   Emi wa ki o pinya mo
   Yio korin ogo Re

4. K’a to de odo didan na,
   A o s’eru wa kale;
   Jesu y’o gba eru ese
   Awon ti O de l’ade.

5. A fe de odo didan na,
   ‘Rin-ajo wa fere pin;
   Okan wa fere kun f’orin
   Ayo at’Alafia. Amin.

Composed by Robert Lowry