ENGLISH LYRICS: We give immortal praise
Praise Ye the Lord Ps.146:11. We give immortal praise
To God the Father's love
For all our comforts here
And better hopes above,
He sent His own eternal Son;
To die for sins that man had done,
2. To God the Son belongs
Immortal glory too
Who bought us with His blood.
From everlasting Woe;
And now He lives, and now He reigns,
And sees the fruit of all His pains.
3. To God the Spirit's name
Immortal worship give,
Whose new- creating pow'r
Makes the dead sinner live .
His work completes the great design,
And fills the soul with joy divine.
4. Almighty God to Thee
Be endless honours done.
The undivided Three.
And the mysterious One.
Where reason fails, with all her pow'r
There faith prevails and love adores.
YORUBA LYRICS: A f'iyin ailopin Fun Olorun Baba
E fi iyin fun Oluwa. OD. 146:1.1. A f'iyin ailopin
Fun Olorun Baba,
Fun ore aye wa
At’ ireti t’orun,
O ran Ọmo Re ayanfe
Lati ku fun ese aye.
2. A fiyin ailopin
Fun Olorun Omo
T’o f'eje Re ra wa,
Kuro ninu egbe,
Nisiyi, O wa, O njoba
O nri eso irora Re
3. A f’iyin ailopin
Fun Ọlorun Emi,
Eni f'agbara Re
So elese d’aye;
O pari ise igbala
O si fayo Orun k’okan.
4. A f’ola ailopin
Fun Olodumare,
‘Wo Ologo meta
Sugbon okan soso,
B’O ti ju imo wa lo ni,
A o ma f'igbagbo yin O
Composed by Isaac Watts
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