I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Revelation 3:8 (NIV)
The Philadelphia Church was the only Church among the seven churches John was sent to, without divine condemnation, yet they had little strength. With the little strength given to them, they were able to maintain it and have good recommendation.
The world loves the spectacular. God has proven that He is certainly capable of the extraordinary, but He often chooses to work through the ordinary and seemingly insignificant. In this way He demonstrates His love and His power.
When God wants to specially raise someone up, He starts from small. God loves to move best among the weak and the humble because He can do much with them.
When God delivered the Israelites from the Midianites' oppression, He intentionally used an army of merely three hundred men to defeat a vastly larger army. He had more soldiers available, but He preferred to demonstrate His power in the way He accomplished His purposes. When Jesus selected His first disciples He could have enlisted a multitude to follow Him, but He chose twelve. It was not the number of disciples but the quality of their walk with Him that would determine how they affected their world. When Jesus fed a multitude, five loaves of bread and two fish from a boy's lunch were sufficient in the hands of the Lord.
READ ALSO: To The Lord And Not For People
- Do you experience a low move of the power of God in your life unlike others?
- Are you sad that your gift is small and not relevant as others?
- Were you assigned to a small flock to administer unlike others who have a larger flock?
- Do you see the feebleness in your spouse that make you sad and regret to have married him/her?
- Do you think God gave you little of some things?
Never mind, he knows what he is doing. He will only judge you according to what He has committed unto you. “…When someone has been given much, much will be required in return…” Luke 12:48 (NLT)
And the Lord replied, “A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns. But what if the servant thinks, ‘My master won’t be back for a while,’ and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting drunk? The master will return unannounced and unexpected, and he will cut the servant in pieces and banish him with the unfaithful. “And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:42-48 (NLT)
God is watching you and He expects you to deal with the little he has given unto you faithfully. For he promised “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it…” Revelation 3:8 (NKJV)
Christians often accept the adage “the bigger the better.” We measure success by the number of people involved in our ministry. We seek spectacular displays of God's power. You must learn to view success as God does. He is much pleased with obedience in the little he gives us.
When you keep the little God commands and committed unto you, he will also keep and watch over you. Be contented with the little and you will always experience the move of God in new ways.
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