ENGLISH LYRICS Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord and glorify thy name, For Thou only art holy. Rev 15:4 1. Father of heav'n above, Dwelling in light and love, Ancient of days, Light unapproachable, Love inexpressible, Thee, the invisible, Laud we and praise 2. Christ the eternal Word, Christ the incarnate Lord, Saviour of all, High throned above all height God of God, Light of Light, Increate infinite, On Thee we call. 3. O God, the Holy Ghost Whose fires of Pentecost Burn evermore, In this far wilderness Leave us not comfortless; Thee we love, Thee we bless, Thee we adore. 4. Strike your harps, heav'nly pow'rs: With your glad chants shall ours Trembling ascend: All praise, O God, to Thee, ...
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