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Showing posts from October, 2019

HYMN: Will your anchor hold in the storms of life | Iwo ha n'idakoro t'o daju

ENGLISH LYRICS: Will your anchor hold in the storms of life An anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast. Heb 6:19 1.  Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?     When the clouds unfold their wings of strife;     When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,     Will your anchor drift or firm remain? Chorus:     We have an anchor that keeps the soul     Steadfast and sure while the billows roll:     Fasten'd to the Rock which cannot move,     Grounded firm and deep in the     Saviour's love. 2. It is safely moored, t'will the storm withstand     For 'tis well secured by the Saviour's hand     And the cables passed from His heart to mine     Can defy the blast, through strength divine. 3. It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,     When the breakers have told the reef is near,     Though the temp...

HYMN: Three in one, and One in Three | Olorun Metalokan

ENGLISH LYRICS: Three in one, and One in Three There the redeemed of the lord shall return, and come with singing. Isa.51:11 1.  Three in one, and One in Three.     Ruler of the earth and sea.     Hear us, while we lift to Thee     Holy chant and psalm. 2. Light of lights, with morning shine:     Lift on us Thy light divine;     And let charity benign     Breathe on us her balm. 3. Light of lights, when falls the ev'n,     Let it close on sin forgiven:     Fold us in the peace of heav'n     Shed a holy calm. 4. Three in One, and One in Three,     Dimly here we worship Thee     With the saints hereafter we     Hope to bear the palm. YORUBA LYRICS: Olorun Metalokan Oba ile at’okun Awon eni irapada Oluwa yio pada, won a si wa si Sioni ti awon ti orin. Ikanu ati ofo yio si fo lo. Isa. 51:11 1. Olorun Metalokan.    Oba ile at’o...

A Second Time

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: —Jonah 3:1 Jonah didn't like the assignment God gave him. God directed him to leave his homeland and go to the enemy city of Nineveh, a hostile and evil centre of idol worship. There Jonah was to warn the people of God's impending judgment and urge them to repent. The Hebrews hated the people of Nineveh, so the rebellious prophet fled in the opposite direction, hoping for a different word from God that was more to his liking. Instead, God was determined that his word to Jonah would be obeyed. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)  He spoke to Jonah again. His second message was the same as the first. However, during the interval, Jonah had been buffeted by storms and had traveled in the stomach of a fish for three days. This time, he was prepared to hear...

HYMN: Alleluia, song of sweetness [gladness] | Aleluya! Orin t’o dun

ENGLISH LYRICS: Alleluia, song of sweetness I heard a great voice of many people in heaven saying Hallelujah. Rev. 19:1 1.  Alleluia, song of sweetness,     Voice of joy that cannot die;     Alleluia is the anthem     Ever dear to choirs on high;     In the house of God abiding     Thus they sing eternally. 2. Alleluia, Church victorious,     Thou may'st lift the joyful strain,     Alleluia, songs of triumph     Well befit the ransom'd train,     Faint and feeble are our praises     While in exile we remain. 3. Alleluia may not always     Be our song while here below;     Alleluia, our transgressions,     Make us for a while forego;     For the solemn time is coming     When our tears for sin must flow. 4. Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee     Grant us, Blessed Trinity,     At the la...

HYMN: Oh for a thousand tongues to sing | Emi ‘ba n’egberun ahon

ENGLISH LYRICS: Oh for a thousand tongues to sing And my spirit hath rejoiceth in God my Saviour. Luk 1:47 1.  Oh for a thousand tongues to sing     My dear Redeemer's praise,     The glories of my God and King,     The triumphs of His grace! 2. Jesus the name that charms our fears,     That bids our sorrows cease;     'Tis music in the sinner's ears;     'Tis life, and health, and peace. 3. He breaks the pow'r of cancell'd sin,     And sets the prisoner free;     His blood can make the foulest clean;     His blood avail'd for me. 4. He speaks and, listening to His voice,     New life the dead receive;     The mournful broken hearts rejoice,     The humble poor believe. 5. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,     Your loosen'd tongues employ;     Ye blind, behold your Saviour come,     And leap, ye lam...

If you miss Heaven You will not miss Hell

4 Reasons To Keep Secret

God does not consider keeping of secret to be sinful itself. There are some secrets you should keep to avoid unnecessary tension. As long as secrets are meant for the good of others, they should remain as a secret till death. Why Should You Keep Secrets? 1.  To avoid pains for others.  When you know another person's secret in your custody is like a regret to that person, and it causes pain for the person, you are expected to keep it as secret. When you know someone has a history of mental illness, it's obvious that revealing such secrets around will hurt the fellow. When someone confesses an immoral act to you, telling the secret to people will definitely give pain to the person. The sons of the old prophets who revealed the secret of the young prophet to their father led to the death of the young prophet. If they had kept quiet, it won't have caused death for the young man (1 Kings 13:1-26). 2.  Not everybody can handle secret.  There are some f...

HYMN: It Pays To Serve Jesus | Jesu dun lati sin eri mi l'eyi

ENGLISH LYRICS: It pays to serve Jesus 1. It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart,    He'll always be with us, if we do our part    There's naught in this wide world can pleasure afford;    There's peace and contentment in serving the Lord.    I love Him far better than in days of yore    I'll serve Him more truly than ever before,    I'll do as He bids me, whatever the cost,    I'll be a true soldier, I'll die at my post.   2. And oft when I'm tempted to turn from the track,    I think of my Saviour, my mind wanders back    To the place where they nailed Him on Calvary's tree.    I heard a voice saying, "I suffered for thee."   3. A place I remember where I was set free,    'Twas where I found pardon, a heaven to me.    There Jesus spoke sweetly to my weary soul,    My sins were forgiven, He made my heart whole.   ...

HYMN: Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer | Fi iyin fun Jesu, Olurapada wa

ENGLISH LYRICS:  Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer Praise ye the Lord. Ps.106:1 1.  Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer,     Sing, O earth, His wonderful; love proclaim.     Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory,     Strength and honour give to His holy name,     Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,     In His arms He carries them all day long     O ye saints that dwell on the mountain of Zion,     Praise Him! praise Him ! ever in joyful song. 2. Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus  our blessed Redeemer,     For our sins He suffered and bled and died;     He, our rock, our hope of eternal salvation,     Hail Him! hail Him! Jesus the Crucified.     Loving Saviour, meekly enduring sorrow,     Crowned with thorns that cruelly pierced His brow;     Once for us rejected, despised a...

20 Things The Will Of God Cannot Do

Since God has a purpose for all men, surely he has provided ways in which we can know his will. Some people in search of God's will are not really seeking the will of God but an approval of what they have in their minds. An epitome of such is Balaam. But God said to Balaam, "Don't go with them. You must not curse those people. They are my people." The next morning Balaam got up and said to leaders from Balak, "Go back to your own country. The LORD will not let me go with you." … But you can stay here tonight like the other men did, and during the night I will learn what the LORD wants to tell me." That night, God came to Balaam. God said, "These men have come again to ask you to go with them. So you can go with them. But do only what I tell you to do." The next morning, Balaam got up, put a saddle on his donkey, and went with the Moabite leaders. Balaam was riding on his donkey. Two of his servants were with him. While Balaam was traveli...

9 Things That Makes Man Highly Defective and Cure

The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to the serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed, "Subsequential Internal Nonmorality"—or more commonly known as SIN, as it is primarily expressed. Some other symptoms are the loss of direction foul vocal emissions amnesia of origin and purpose lack of peace and joy selfish or violent behavior depression or confusion in the mental component fearfulness idolatry rebellion. The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this SIN defect. The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering c...


But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself? Isaiah 10:15 (NLT) One of the dangers in the Christian life is to take credit for what God does. This was the Assyrians' problem. They were a weak nation until God chose to bless them in order to use them as an instrument to punish the Israelites. However, the more God blessed them, the more confident they became in their own strength. When the farmers had good crops, they credited their farming skills rather than God. When their army won a victory, their generals took the credit. When the nation experienced prosperity, the Assyrians attributed it to their military and political might. Finally, God pointed out the absurdity of their conclusions (Isa. 10:5–19). READ ALSO: Deny Yourself It is sometimes easier to handle poverty or weakness than wealth or strength. Poverty causes us...

The Divine Partner

Without a thirsty heart, hungry soul and coming to Jesus fixing your eyes only on Him, there will be no infilling or satisfaction given by the Divine. Until there is an acute hunger and thirst for the presence of God where a man would declare just like Moses ‘if your presence go not with me, carry us not up hence’ (Exodus 33:15) , then he hasn’t seen the importance of the presence of the Divine Partner and should expect none or little commitment from the Divine Partner. Until all that a man desires is God and nothing besides God, he is not ready for the strange acts and works of God. The Holy Spirit would not go to where he is merely wanted but where He is desired. Therefore every man must understand that until all that matter is Jesus, where Jesus becomes the primary and other seemingly good things can be secondary, he is not yet ready to be filled. Our Christian race can be likened to a partnership and there exist just two partners; the Divine Partner - God and secondly the ...

HYMN: My hope is built on nothing less | Igbagbo mi duro l’ori

ENGLISH LYRICS:  My hope is built on nothing less For it was founded upon a Rock. Matt. 7:25 1.  My hope is built on nothing less      Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;      No merit of my own I claim,      But wholly lean on Jesus' name     Chorus:      On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;      All other ground is sinking sand. 2. When long appears my toilsome race,      I rest on His unchanging grace;      In every high and stormy gale,      My anchor holds within the veil 3. His oath, His covenant, and blood,      Support me in the whelming flood;      When every earthly prop gives way,      He then is all my hope and stay. 4. When the last trumpet's voice shall sound,      Oh may I then in Him be found.      Robbed in His righteousness alone,...

4 Situations / Circumstances To Keep Secrets

A secret can be difficult to keep and equally difficult to share. Yet life seems to run on secrets. Secrets can either be good or bad.  Secret means mystery, private or something hidden. It is something not open, not revealed, not expressed or designed to elude detection. God has secrets – “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1. “The LORD tells his secrets to his followers. He teaches them about his agreement.” Psalm 25:14 (ETRV)  Man has secrets Satan has secrets -  “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14 (NIV). When You Are To Keep Secrets. 1.  Sometimes, when God is sending you on an important mission, a little secrecy is needed until you accomplish it.  There are spiritual enemies that do not like seeing you doing God's will; hence they will always strategise to see you failing God. When God gives you an ass...

Download Yoruba Bible Software (Bibeli Mimo) for PC

The First Indigenous Yoruba Bible for PC Necessity is the mother of invention they say. I've come across many Yoruba Bible apps for mobile devices but I could not find one for PC. I searched the web over and over again, I still could not get one. This prompted me to learn how to write softwares, only for me to discover that programming is a wide subject. The urgency of getting one Yoruba Bible Software could not allow me to patiently learn any of the programming languages available. However, God in his infinite mercies gave me the inspiration and ideas on how to go about it, which later was realised. Many must have found themselves in this kind of state I found myself that's why I decided to share it for free even though it cost me a lot of fortune like time, brainstorming, money, etc. I give God the glory for the intelligence he gave me to design and compile this program. Features: Easy Navigation Offline Reading Supports copy-and-paste Keybo...

Understanding The Whole Armour of God

 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.   Therefore take up the whole armor of God , that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,  and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;  above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;  praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being...

CorelDraw Macros: Convert to Bitmap

The macro tool imitates the conventional Convert to Bitmap tool in CorelDraw except for the following features Convert selected object(s) Convert active page Convert all pages Convert custom pages Remembers your options This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Duplicate

Duplicating your objects is faster than copying and pasting from page to page. This macro tool will help you to duplicate objects and pages easily There are two tabs in the tool Duplicate (Existing Pages) This macro page duplicates to existing pages.  Duplicate selected object(s) to First Page, Last Page, Previous Page or Next Page Duplicate selected object(s) to a specific page Duplicate selected object(s) to a page range Duplicate all objects on active page to a specific page Duplicate all objects on active page to a page range Duplicate all objects on a specific page to a specific page Duplicate all objects on a specific page to a page range Duplicate (New Pages) This macro page duplicates to fresh pages. Note: Select the object(s) to duplicate otherwise it applies to all objects Duplicate selected object(s) / active page to First Page, Last Page, Previous Page, Next Page or a specific page Duplicate all object(s) in a specific page / duplic...

CorelDraw Macros: Line Spacing

This macro tool makes the application of line spacing to be more easy with just a single click Increase / Decrease Line Spacing at a specified rate Increase / Decrease Before Paragraph Spacing at a specified rate Remembers the rate input Works on artistic text and paragraph text Live Update This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Booklet

This macro tool makes booklets handling easily done. Features: Convert CorelDraw’s automatic booklet to manual i.e. you’ll now have two pages on a page. * Convert your manual booklet to CorelDraw’s automatic booklet i.e. you’ll now your two-page on a page to single pages. * Split doubt pages to single pages Convert your CorelDraw’s booklet layout to single pages Convert your single pages to CorelDraw’s booklet layout Extract Pages: You can extract some pages in your document to a new document. You also have the option to open the extracted pages. * Applies to CorelDraw X3 and earlier. This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Batch Resave

This macro tool resave all CorelDraw supported file formats to CoreDraw in batch mode Features: Save to any version from your current CorelDraw version to earlier versions Saves the path of the source folders Saves the path of the destination folders Save selected files when loaded Save all files Input the file format extension and click load. It will load all the file formats in the folder Cancel saving at anytime. Though, you will have to wait for the current document that is saving This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Copy to File

Note: This applies to opened documents Copy selected object(s) from a document to another document Copy all objects on active page of a document to another document Duplicate current page of a document to first page, last page or specific page of another document with the quantity needed. Copy selected object(s) to a new document This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Effects

Effects that gives your text and shapes a new look 3D Effect Shadow Effect Reflection (Opaque) Reflection (Transparent) Watermark This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Reverse Pages

This macro can be used to reverse the pages in a document. Features: Reverse all pages  Reverse custom pages. This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit

CorelDraw Macros: Numbering

Page numbering and ID numbering are now more easily done than you think with the help of the macro tool. There are two tabs in the tool Page Numbering Note: Use <PN> as the text format for your page number (Not case sensitive) Features: Start numbering from any number Number all pages Number custom pages ID Numbering Note: Use <ID> as the text format for your page number (Not case sensitive) Features: Specify the number of digits to any number Clear page numbering labels Start numbering from any number Number ID in all pages Number ID custom pages This macro is a part of YinkaMacs CorelDraw Macros Collection Works with CorelDraw X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 - 32 bit and 64 bit